At this point I started looking at was to visually aggregate the data. I found these three sites, all structured the same way to find what works and what doesn’t.

Quarantine enforcement and Covid-19

The A-Z of AI


The grid seems to work well for layout out lots of text on a wide screen and being easily scanned through. While the images allow for a reading break and can provide additional supporting information about each item.

This spacial representation of the images I put in a grid earlier provides much more information about each piece. I can position them on a defined axis or in proximity for how closely related they are.

UK journalists on Twitter: how they all follow each other

For my project Journalists on Twitter and news stories and their relations are very similar as they each have their own narrative and links to other stories/journalists.

A representation that could show even more fidelity could be like this, making each story an active node with clear strings to all related nodes.

A slightly confusing graph to read, but shows the distribution of stories across a range of categories from five publishers. You can see by politics being the largest contributor for these publishers, this would be a good category to encourage users to explore, as there can be more processing on the data to surface good content.

One thing Ground News allows the user to do is navigate stories geographically on a map. This project below highlights population density on a 3D map in a way Ground News could with the volume of media being produced from a region.

Population density in Europe

This project is a static version of the similar Human Terrain piece by The Pudding