Ground News attempts to provide transparency for news stories by labelling each news source writing on a piece with their political bias. I think its great to have this as tools for analysing the media by as a consummation experience for the news itself, its clunky. The interface does little work to curate the content for the user.

Ground News

On the contrary there was a failed attempt to make an unbiased news app called The Dot. There is no such thing as unbiased, and I think the failure of this idea should drive the direction of his project.

NewsBot provides related articles based on one you provoke. Its a much tone down version of Ground News and I think a better end result for a reading experience for most people.

NewsBot - Related news at the click of a button

Ideally, the interface would automate the curation of links. One way to do this is to use the human curation that has already happened by the author.

Journalists Promoted ISIS Coronavirus Propaganda. They Should Stop.

For instance, this article that criticises the media for its coverage of a story, contains links. Links that provide additional context to the article. And because they were provided hy a human rather than a robot, there is an additional layer of quality control.

I collected all the links and got the og:image open-graph image associated with each.

Narrowing the presentation of context to images provides a glanceable overview of the surrounding context to the story. With this I began thinking about how this could work form an interaction standpoint. The following uses the Snapchat (now ever product) model of stories to present the contextualising stories.

News stories, like each user account, is a swipe away, and more context for each is a tap away.

As you can see from the short example above compared to the long one below, it requires an element of curation to be manageable using this structure.

By aligning the articles in chronological order, you can begin to see patterns in the news and how sentiment changes.

The big issue with this method is there are articles with excellent citation and others with great content but poor citation.

However, as pointed out to me, this is very linear and both not representative of the events as they occur or a particularly good way to structure then in a interface.